Monday, April 14, 2014

Research Update

So far I am pleased with the amount of responses i have gotten after i posted my survey on Facebook. I only posted it last night but have gotten considerable amount of responses. I have started to already notice trends and patterns with the results. The results also may turn out to be a bit biased because many of the people responding have been aged between 16-20 years old. So many high school students are answering the questions and giving their opinions. I have seen many of these answers learn towards a a negative outlook toward school. I would like to see more responses from an older demographic. I want to get an equal spread of opinions in my results. But so far I have noticed that the high school students favor a more liberal education and feel that the school they are in doesn't prepare them with life skills and are focusing too much on testing and not learning. I look forward to seeing more diverse results hopefully.

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