Monday, April 7, 2014

Detailed Research Plan

I have decided to make a survey to discover how different age groups value education. For my survey i will target high school students and adults. Specifically parents of students. I will ask questions that will help me get an idea of the general opinion of education today. The demographic information i will request is age, gender, and level of education they have achieved. The reason I ask for what level of education is because i think that some of the views of education may be different depending on wether or not the individual continued education after high school.  Some of the questions i will be asking is (if they are students) an average GPA they hold. because that could give me an idea about if people with higher gpas value a more liberal education system or more structured system. I will be asking questions relating to that as well. As far as questions geared to adults, i'll pose questions like: Which is more important to you? Your child's gpa or the fact that they are developing their mind in school. Also i will include questions that help me get an idea of what type of education people prefer today. Do they like a more liberal, freedom giving one like they have in norway, or more strict, standardized test-preparing curriculum like in China. My survey will probably consist of 10-15 questions. I predict that the younger people who take the survey will prefer a more liberal education while the adults and parents will value a stricter education system. I look forward to collecting my data and coming to a conclusion.

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