Sunday, April 27, 2014

Final Summary and Reaction

After having my survey out for a few weeks i have collected enough data to come up with some conclusions. Going over the data, 78 percent of the people who filled out the survey were females, the rest males. So i had to be aware that there would be a female bias in the answer. Also, many of the people who filled it was within the 16-20 year old range. So mostly students. I was glad because i would get a lot of data from current students who are experiencing the education system today.  As expected from my hypothesis, 81 percent of people said that they preferred liberal education system as opposed to structured. I am not surprised because most of the people who answered were students and that seems to be the shared opinion of many students today. They want to be able to learn what they want.  One thing that did surprise me was that students with a high GPA chose a liberal education preference. I assumed that people who preformed at a high level liked structure, but i guess that is not the case. The general opinion seems to be a liberal system is the way to go. In the open response, i got a lot of similar responses to the question: "Why do/did you or why do/did you not like coming to school?" Many said they liked learning but not the way they are currently being taught. They want to be taught lessons and skills that will benefit them int he real world. Also they would like to see a lot less "busy work" and excessive homework. Students and parents alike want to make the education more enjoyable and beneficial. I was surprised that the parents also valued a liberal system and wanted to see change. I usually would have thought that parents believe in a structured approach to learning. 

From this survey i came to the conclusion that students and parents alike are not happy with today's education system. They feel as though it is shaped to "teach to test" and not focused enough on promoting the teaching of life skills and developing the mind. 

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