Sunday, March 2, 2014

Oklahoma schools required to teach high school students to manage finances (6)

High schools in Oklahoma require students to take classes that teach life skills. In this courses students learn how to manage their finances and learn how to handle real-life financial situations. They also gain an understanding of banking, taxes, investing, loans, insurance, identity theft and eight other areas.  Mustang High school offered these courses before it was required. But in surrounding high schools it is now a requirement in order for students to graduate.  “We're basically teaching them how to live on their own.”
I have heard countless times students say that they feel like they aren’t being prepared for the real world in school. I think that it would give a lot of students piece of mind if they felt like they were being taught real-life skills like the courses that are being taught in Oklahoma. These high schools understand that part of going to school is to prepare kids for the adult world. I think that is important to be taught skills we can use in the real world like how to manage bills, taxes, budgets, etc.. I’m sorry but algebra becomes pretty irrelevant in most cases after high school.


  1. I sympathized with this article as this has often been my concern. I wonder sitting in chemistry when I will use these skills in my life. I think these courses are important, practical courses for a young adult to take. Many people do not think of these things as essential, but everyone needs to know these skills to do well in the real world.

  2. Response (3) I agree that I don't think high school prepares us for life on our own. We arent being taught essential life skills, like the ones mentioned in the article. Yes, we are getting a good education and it will help us, but I feel that we also should be learned these important life skills. We would be so much better off in the long run.
