Saturday, February 22, 2014

Free Online University Receives Accreditation #4

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On Thursday February 13th, the University of the People, a online university that requires no tuition received accreditation. The University was built to reach out to "undeserved students" all around the globe. It is expected to have over 5,000 students by 2016. Students enrolled are from all over. 700 students from 142 countries are enrolled in the university already. The idea for such a program came from the mind of Shai Reshef, whose mission is to make higher education available to all. There is no tuition, only a application fee that ranges from 0-50 dollars. Scholarships are also offered for those who may not be able to afford that fee. 

I think that this is a really beneficial program. In today's world it seems that the only way to be successful is to have a higher education degree. Unfortunately many universities and colleges are extremely expensive and people in developing areas cannot afford this education. This non-for-profit university is a chance for those people to have a fighting chance. I also think that is good that large organizations like Microsoft are showing support fro the University. Hopefully the University of the People will set an example and lead to more programs like this to become available around the world. 

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