Sunday, February 2, 2014

Finland Might Be on to Something (2)

In this video a reporter discusses the unique education the country of Finland has. To start, Finland stresses the importance of equal opportunity. There is no private schools allowed. Every child goes to a public school. There are no standardized tests. The only somewhat standardized is the National Matriculation Exam. Every student takes it at the end of secondary school, which is basically American high school. Finland schools took the focus away from being the best and pressuring students to score high on tests and is now focusing more on developing the individual to the best of their abilities. Also, children are not allowed to attend school until the age of 7. Allowing children to be "kids." This form of education seems to be working because in a worldwide survey test Finland students scored number 1 in the world. 

I found that this was very interesting. It almost makes me want to move to Finland! It seems as though Americans have always been so focused on being the best that we are losing the sight of the real importance education is. Finland seems to be doing this exact opposite. They are not worried about being in competition with other countries. They want their students to develop their minds and find out what they are good at and passionate about. Unlike the United States, where it seems like all we care about is training students to get a high score on a standardized test. I also think that it is unique that Finland does not allow private schools. It gives everyone a fair and equal chance to receive an education. I think that this is much needed in the US. Here, people who have a lower SES aren't able to obtain the high quality education that is available to wealthier people. Finland must be doing something right by focusing on the real meaning of education. I hope one day the US can do the same.  


  1. #2: I thought your article was really interesting! I thought the way Finland ran their schools was a really good idea, because it took a lot of the stress away from the students. I think the schools here in the United States put too much pressure on grades and adds too much stress to the students. I really like Finland's approach in forming each students individual strengths. I think the US should really take some notes from Finland in order to improve their school system.

  2. #3: This was an excellent article. I think that this video is a great representation of the impact that a country's approach to education has on the way that students will perform. It seems to me that Finland is very wise because the educators see that it is crucial to nurture the students and encourage them to expand their knowledge rather than pressure them to be the best. It is not ideal for young adults to work under constant stress and pressure to be the best. I think this takes away from the experience of learning and the enjoyment of understanding the important concepts. I agree that the schools here put far too much emphasis on getting that A+ rather than nurturing the development of each person intellectually. Finland seems to understand that not every student can be the best at everything and the country plays upon this and takes it into consideration by helping students be able to find and hone in on the subjects that they are stronger in. The way I see it, the United States puts far too much pressure on its youth and makes young people dread education rather than embrace it and understand it. I believe that the United States may want to learn some tactics in education from Finland in order to help its students achieve success and happiness in the careers that they so desire to pursue.
