Monday, January 27, 2014

New Idea of Education (1)

Washington Post Article

I recently read an article that was refreshing and thought provoking. Thirteen-year-old Logan LaPlante talked at a TEDX conference at the University about his idea of an ideal education. When Logan was nine his parents pulled him out of public school and let him discover subjects that he found interesting. He still learned the same subjects that students who attended traditional school such as writing. But instead of being assigned an essay topic, Logan gets to pick what he wants to write about. He still has basic coursework but finds his way of learning much more interesting. He said, “Once you are motivated to learn something, you can get a lot done in a short amount of time and on your own,” 

            I found that Logan’s story was very interesting. As a high school student, I definitely find myself questioning why I am doing a certain assignment. Especially when I used to attend public school, I felt like teachers would just assign “busy work” that meant nothing to us students. I agree with Logan when he says motivation is key in making learning interesting. If I were genuinely interested in the curriculum I would think I would do very well in that subject. I think that this education is a very good way to encourage growth of creative and independent thinking. In this day and age being creative and original plays a major part in gaining success; I think that it is important to encourage that in education from an early age. What do you think? Would like to have more freedom or more structure in education?

Friday, January 24, 2014


Hello my name is Amy and my blog is going to be about Education. I chose this topic because it is very relevant to today's world. The education systems of the world can say a lot about a state, country or any area. The topic of education is constantly in the spotlight. I think much can be discussed about it and how it affects a society. I look forward to writing some interesting posts!